Most everybody has heard of the Bermuda Triangle, but the subject has become so clouded with popular hearsay and sensationalism that few can really give an accurate account of what it is. The first gut reaction many people give when asked about the Bermuda Triangle is “I don’t believe in it!”
Yet what is it they don’t believe in?
The Bermuda Triangle is actually two things. First off, it is a geographic area of the North Atlantic Ocean located off the South East coast of the United States. It generally lies in and around three nodal points: the island of Bermuda, Miami, Florida, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. It can hardly be denied that this area of the Earth does exist. But, of course, when most refer to the Bermuda Triangle they really mean the enigma of the Bermuda Triangle. This is the area’s great controversy. The enigma is that more ships and planes disappear in this area more than in any other place in the world, in fair weather and for no readily explainable reason.

Strictly interpreted, the Bermuda Triangle is delineated above.
The purpose of this section of The Quester Files is to document factually and to provide a sober look at this phenomenon. The results presented here are not based on synthesizing hearsay, tabloid news or 40 year old books. What you will see on this website is based on official documentation gleaned over the last 30 years. It inspired my book Into the Bermuda Triangle (McGraw-Hill, 2003) and The Bermuda Triangle II (Brodwyn, Moor, and Doane; 2017. In 1990, I began this investigation as an innocent hobby before it escalated into a vast project, a project to get almost every report possible, to track down every clue, to verify every claim. . . and often to get the figurative door slammed in my face. These official reports form the bulk of the evidence used herein. Carefully sifting through these, with lines censored, pages cut out and paragraphs deleted, has brought to light a pattern interwoven with mystery and tragedy.
For over a quarter of a century now I have studied the Bermuda Triangle. For good or bad my name has become inexorably linked with the subject. My studies have proven to my satisfaction that the enigma is quite true. Anybody out there may form whatever opinion they wish on the subject, and even propose their own theories. But to have any viability these theories must be based on the facts. And it is my hope that this site and my books help to bring those facts to everybody.
A little history of the Triangle will perhaps tell you a little more about it.