
Bermuda Triangle




Cold Case Files



Dropoff to the Tongue— Curt Rowlett & the Mysterious Mass II


Andros Island in relation to the Tongue of the Ocean. Curt Rowlett’s cruise was off the northeast coast along the drop-off.

     During a voyage in the summer of 1980, while cruising along the Andros Island drop-off of the odd and deep Tongue of the Ocean, Curt Rowlett and the other bridge crew of their Coast Guard cutter had an encounter with unexplained forces which may suggest Curt-Rthe power of electromagnetic interactions (See Bermuda Triangle II). He recalls:

   What this amounted to was a radar return that suddenly showed what appeared to be a land mass three miles dead ahead of our ship where no “land” actually existed. At the same moment that the “land” appeared on the radar, our ship’s compass began swinging wildly for about three minutes until, without explanation, the radar return simply disappeared from the screen as suddenly as it had appeared.

   This incident was taken seriously enough that the Captain was woken up by the officer of the watch and the details were recorded in the ship’s log. We never did hear any explanation as to what might have caused the false radar return (it was determined that our radar was not malfunctioning), but at the time it happened, I remembered having read about how other sailors had experienced similar phenomena in the same area. (I was on helm watch when this incident occurred and was steering the ship when the compass went haywire. I also saw the radar return and watched as it slowly disappeared from the screen when we were approximately a mile and a half away from the object. I should also point out that our ship’s lookout on duty that night never reported a visual sighting on any “land mass” and that the sky was clear with no rain or clouds present).





Sargasso Sea


San Juan

     500 Leagues of Sea




